Corporate Social Responsibility
Picture © SuperVliegSuperMouche – Raisa Vandamme
A social, societal and cultural commitment.
The MCA Recycling team consists of about forty workers who are totally familiar with all the techniques for waste collection and recovery. A continuous training programme is available to optimize their know-how (management of various types of waste, loading techniques, precautions and procedures for the management of hazardous waste, visits to recycling centres, etc.).
We are particularly attentive to our employees’ safety (first aid courses, management of situations involving hazardous waste, etc.). We do everything in our power to harmonize relations between colleagues as well as between workers and management (dialogue, exchanges, sports and/or convivial events).
MCA Recycling encourages the professional development of its workforce through various types of training courses.
Social and cultural dimensions of MCA Recycling
- Cooperation with sheltered workshops for our sorting line and as drivers assistants to aid collection,
- Sponsorship (Bruocsella, Atelier 210, Musée des enfants, Festival Super Mouche, neighbourhood associations, …),
- Profiles of our workers (Actiris, VDAB, Maison de l’emploi de Forest, CPAS – Article 60, …).