Waste register
Your waste register, directly online.
A waste register is a legal requirement for any waste manager.
MCA Recycling provides Property Managers (PMs) (via its web portal) with a monthly register of waste collected for them.
The following information may be consulted in this register:
- the waste types collected and their Eural code,
- the waste quantities collected (expressed in m² or kg),
- the waste processing codes,
- the recycling rates of the total waste collected.

Do you want more?
MCA Recycling also provides you with an annual environmental benefit report which analyses the impact of your building in terms of waste management.
Our strengths
MCA Recycling will advise and assist you in optimising the sorting of your waste.
We put a webportal at your disposal, so that you can monitor and find out more about the management of your waste:
- quantities per flow,
- information about cleaning companies and tenants,
- collection frequencies.